City Different Petroleum Club Lunch
Thursday, July 12 | 12 noon
Las Campanas Clubhouse
Speaker: Scott Sheffield
Mr. Sheffield is the Chairman of Pioneer Natural Resources. He recent retired as CEO of the company after founding and leading Pioneer and its predecessor for 31 years from a $32 million company to a $32 billion company. He received a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas. He serves as an advisor to the Maguire Energy Institute of the SMU Cox School of Business and Columbia University’s SIPA Center on Global Energy Policy. He has recently returned from participating in the 7th OPEC International Seminar (held in Austria in connection with the June 2018 OPEC meeting) as a panelist in a panel discussion on Global Energy Future. He is also a member of The Club at Las Campanas.
Topic: ‘The Power of US Shale on World Oil Markets’
Cost: $30, at the door, cash or check to City Different Petroleum Club (check preferred). Come early and socialize, check in for the lunch will open at 11:30AM. Contact Las Campanas member (and City Different Petroleum Club Vice President) Sam Haas for information and to make reservations (505) 988-5864.