Dear Las Campanas Owners,
We will be making these announcements every quarter to coincide with our quarterly billing cycle. For those wishing to sign up for trash collection service with MCT as arranged by Las Campanas, please let us know before end of business on December 4, 2020. Friday, December 4th is the deadline to sign up for the new trash collection service beginning in January!! To take advantage of this, and to be included in your Q1 2021 Assessment billing, fill out the MCT Enrollment Form by clicking HERE and email or drop it off to the Administration office by close of business (5 PM) Friday, December 4th! This service is not available to Club Casitas owners as they are not part of the Las Campanas Master Association.
ATTENTION!!! If you need or want to start this service to start sooner than January 1st, please submit the Enrollment Form as soon as you can and we can make arrangements with MCT and make a prorated adjustment on your Q1 2021 billing.
After years of work by the Community Affairs Committee and principally John Flynn, we have a new choice for trash collection service within Las Campanas.
The Las Campanas Master Association (LCMA) has entered into a non-exclusive agreement with MCT Waste, LLC, for the removal of trash and recycling from our neighborhoods. The agreement went into effect on October 1, 2020, to coincide with a new billing quarter. The monthly cost, not including taxes, will be reduced to $26.50 for the basic service which includes a 96-gallon trash container and a 64-gallon recycling container. If additional 96-gallon containers are needed, the cost is an additional $9.50 per container per month. If additional 64-gallon containers are needed, the cost is $4 per container per month. If a 96-gallon recycling container is desired in lieu of a 64-gallon container, the cost is an additional $2.25 per month. These rates will stay in effect for 5 years unless the Caja del Rio landfill raises its rates or the cost of diesel goes above $3.15 per gallon anytime in years 2 through 5. The agreement contains formulas for calculating any increase should that become necessary anytime in the last 4 years of the agreement.
The prices will not change for the first 12 months of the agreement. In addition to the trash and recycling services, MCT will also provide a quarterly “Large Item Pick-up Day” during the first month of each quarter. Details about that process will follow in a separate email blast. Trash pickup will continue every Monday and recycling will continue every other Monday so the transition should be seamless.
MCT will provide a single monthly billing to the LCMA for all residents who opt to go with the reduced rate. LCMA will, in turn, bill the residents as part of your quarterly billing.
Please notify your current provider that you no longer require its service after December 31st (or sooner if you need or want to). The cut off for adding this service to your quarterly billing is 5:00 PM, Friday, December 4th.
Thank you,
Chip Munday,
General Manager
Las Campanas Owners Association