Saturday, May 30, 2020
Dear Las Campanas Members,
Great news – the Governor’s amended Public Health Order now allows gyms, salons, and pools to re-open on Monday, June 1st. We have developed the following plans and protocols based on CDC guidelines, our Las Campanas Safety Committee’s recommendations, Covid-19 guidelines, and club and industry best practices. Upon reopening, the Fitness Center will continue to adapt and modify schedules and practices to permit for member use, proper cleaning, staffing, and the overall safety and health of everyone.
Hours of Operation (Upon Re-opening in Summer 2020)
Fitness and Spa: Monday – Sunday 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Personal Training Gym: Monday – Sunday 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Spa Café: Monday – Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Important Rules and Regulations for Las Campanas facilities
(Temporary, subject to change)
The Fitness Center will be open to Members Only. No guests will be permitted at this time. No more than 24 Members will be permitted to exercise in the Gym at one time to provide safe social distancing.
Members will need to make a reservation to use the gym. Only members with reservations will be permitted in the facility. Reservations for a 60-minute time slot can be made 7 days in advance on the app, online, or by contacting the Fitness Center at (505) 995-3600. No walk-in visits or appointments can be allowed at this time. Reservations may be made for 60-minute sessions starting at 6 a.m. When time slot is over, all members will be asked to leave the gym and the staff will clean and disinfect the equipment and common areas. Members are asked to wipe down equipment before and after use, focusing on contact points. Staff will also be present in the gym to monitor wipe downs and assist when necessary.
*Caution when booking gym times: Make sure you reserve your time for main gym and not a personal training time.
Members are requested to wear face masks at all times except when exercising, eating, or drinking. Use of hand sanitizing solution and/or disinfectant wipes is required upon entry to the Fitness Center, Salons, and outdoor facilities.
Personal training will be conducted primarily in the Employee Gym which is located across Las Campanas Drive from the Dog Park. Please reserve workout times directly with your personal trainer and they will confirm your time slot with the online reservation system. The Trainers will have an access code to the Employee Gym.
Temporary Las Campanas Gym Guidelines:
• Cardio equipment will be limited to 40 minutes and every other piece is available to maintain social distancing.
• No towels can be provided at this time. Please bring your own workout towel and place it between yourself and the equipment.
• Please bring your own water bottle. No cups will be available at the hydration station at this time.
• Please bring your own headphones.
• Loaned equipment is unavailable at this time.
• Sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the indoor space for easy access and frequent use.
Indoor group classes are not allowed to be offered at this time, but virtual classes will continue to be offered via Zoom. Instructors are also developing a series of outdoor classes which will be by reservation and subject to weather.
Members using the gym or group fitness studios must use the main entrance to the Fitness Center and check in at the front desk. Members will be scanned for temperature and asked to affirmatively acknowledge and agree to the Covid-19 protocols in place. Members are asked to please arrive on-time for their workout session and wait outside the building until their session time. Member Lounge is unavailable and no day lockers at this time.
The Indoor Pool and Outdoor Pool at Las Campanas are ready to open pending an inspection by the New Mexico Environmental Department. Members should use the main entrance to the Fitness Center and check in at the front desk. The Governor approved pools opening for lap swimming which can be reserved on-line for one-hour time slots. Water Zumba and water aerobics are not permitted activities at this time. The Pools are scheduled to open at 6 a.m. and will remain open until 7:00 p.m.
Members may use the Men’s and Women’s Locker Rooms to change into swim gear.
The locker rooms are only to be used for changing into swim gear and restroom use.
No showers, sauna, or steam room is available currently.
Outdoor swimmers at Las Campanas should use the designated Family Restroom Shower before swimming, and afterwards, should dry off, change, and shower at home. Please bring your personal towel.
Indoor swimmers should use the shower near the whirlpool before swimming, and afterwards, should dry off, change, and shower at home. Please bring your personal towel.
Members of Las Campanas with hair and nail appointments should use the East entrance of the Fitness Center. Parking and directional signs will guide members to the East entrance around and adjacent to the indoor pool to the parking area just outside the hair and nail salons. There will be chairs available outside and you will be called to come in at your appointment time. Members will need to exit the same door upon completion of their appointments. Future appointments can be booked with receptionist in the hair and nail salons.
Members of Las Campanas with skin care and massage appointments should use the main entrance of the Fitness Center. Members will need to exit the same door upon completion of their appointments. Future appointments can be booked with receptionist at the front desk.
Any member purchasing skin care, nail, or hair products should allow a front desk receptionist to get the product for the member. Member billing only.
Members of Las Campanas using the Spa Café will be permitted entrance through fitness center main lobby after temperature scan and Covid-19 protocols are confirmed by a Front Desk Receptionist.
Members of Las Campanas playing tennis and pickleball should not enter the Fitness Center. Check-ins will be provided by tennis professionals or counted by fitness staff. Members playing tennis should park in the upper lot above tennis. Members playing pickleball should park in the main parking lot.
Members playing tennis or pickleball should use restrooms at the tennis casita. The main tennis casita is closed at this time. Please note if you are playing pickleball to not access pickleball courts through any tennis courts.
All members of the Fitness Staff and Trainers at Las Campanas will be scanned for temperature before beginning a work shift. All staff members are required to wear face masks and PPE at all times. Employees will use hand sanitizer and wash hands frequently during their scheduled shifts.
*REMINDER: Please refrain from visiting the Fitness Center if you or a household member have exhibited any Covid-19 symptoms including:
• Mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by the CDC.
• Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days or have recently travelled from a COVID-19 hotspot.
Please respect the Fitness Center’s sanitation and hygiene standards and processes posted within the building and shared by employees. We have made many preparations and changes to cleaning for your health and safety. Thank you in advance.
We look forward to seeing you in the Fitness Center soon! Contact us at Las Campanas.